Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Still Waiting...

We are still waiting for the arrivial of our son! I will be induced on Friday the 13th if he does not come sooner! Just wanted to give you all a heads up! :) Also, the baby and I will be coming to ILL December 11th to the 16th! Love you all!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

20 More days....

I have been really bad about posting recently. Life is just a little busy right now. Yesterday Q and i had our childbirthing class and tour of the hospital, we had alot of fun and it was very helpful. We both feel a little more prepared for he big day...maybe a bit more nervous too. The day is getting much closer. Our bags are packed and ready to go and our little man has a name!!!..You all will have to wait till the big day to find out though!!! :)

The baby has dropped significantly so he is getting ready...could be any day now. I plan to come back in Dec and hope to buy my ticket this week so I can let you all know when for sure I will be back to visit youall in the midwest!!:) ( praying it works for Q to join us, with law school though it may notwork out)

Please keep us all in your prayers, life is about to change big time for us but we are very excited!

We had pregnant pictures done and I hope to get them back here soon so I can post them for you all to see!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Less than 7 weeks to go (33 Weeks)

Hey everyone! Sorry I have not posted in a while. With school starting I have been VERY busy to say the least! We are at 33 weeks almost 34...not much longer and this little guy will be here! You all have been asking for another picture of the belly so here it is. :)
We will be sending an mass email out once he is born to notify you all, so if you have not given me your email please do so, that way we can add you to the list!
We had a wonderful shower about a month ago, I plan to put pictures up of that as well!
For those of you back home we are registred at Target!! :) I am hoping that we can come back in December to see you all while im on maternity leave, so be praying that it all works out! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
The big news this week is lung development—baby's respiratory system is almost completely mature. That means if your baby was born this week, odds are he'd be a healthy bouncing baby with a just a little help from his friends (aka, the NICU). Some of the specifics are: Your baby can now detect light and tell the difference between night and day (of course that ability will miraculously disappear once he's born and up all night screaming). His pupils will constrict and dilate in response to light. If you shine a flashlight on your belly, your baby may shy away from the light as if to say, "Cut it out, Ma. You're soooo annoying."The bones in your baby's skull are soft and are not yet fused together. In other words, now is not the time to teach him how to do a headspin while breakdancing. This pliability allows the bones to overlap; making that trip down the tight birth canal possible (and resulting in that surprising cone head look your baby will sport for the first few days post-birth. Don't worry, it's totally normal and that's what hats are for.) Your baby will continue to pack on the pounds gaining around ½ pound a week from here on out.Your baby weighs about 4½ pounds, as much as a grownup duck, and is approximately 17.5 inches long, about the same as a collarbone-length pearl necklace. (Did somebody say push present?)

Friday, August 28, 2009

30 Weeks!!!!!

Time is just flying by! I had a Dr. appointment yesterday and she said everything is looking wonderful! He is right on track. I had not gained any weight since my last visit which she said is normal and that I am doing great! :)
This saturday is my shower and I am very excited!
Monday my classes start so life is going to get even busier. Q started law school last week and that has been alot of work! Keep up in your prayers!

Big news for baby's brain this week: It's starting to wrinkle and fold and looks like something that grew in the back of your fridge. This is due to the rapid growth of your little genius's brain cells. Other highlights this week:Fingernails and toenails are finally finished—causing his or her parents great fear and anguish the first time they try to cut those little daggers (it gets easier, we promise)! Plus, the bone marrow is completely in charge of red-blood-cell production now. Trust us, this is a good thing.Baby is starting to shed his lanugo—the downy hair that was covering his skin. Now that he's chubbier and better able to regulate his body temp, he doesn't need to sport a fur coat 24/7."I spy an umbilical cord and the inside of my mom's uterus!" When your baby is awake, his eyes are now wide open and he's whittling away the hours looking around, checking out his rather dark, limited environs. Your baby hasn't gained much weight or height this week, as most of his energy's been channeled to the brain. He weighs about 3 pounds and is approximately 15.5 inches long.

Friday, August 21, 2009

29 Weeks...only 11 weeks away!!!

Here we are only 11 weeks away, so crazy how fast time is just flying by! Q started law school this week and it is already feeling a bit overwhelming but I know he can do it. I found out yesterday that I recieved 2 grants for school, I am just so excited. God is really taking care of us! Thank you to all who have been praying for us!!

My classes start the end of this month so life is just getting busier for us. I am very excited about my shower coming up on Aug 29th!

I hope to come back to ILL sometime in Jan or Feb so you can all see this little man. My friend Tonya is planning to throw a shower there so I will keep you up to date on all that information! Love you all!

Having a baby prematurely is frightening, no doubt. But here's a reason to relax: Due to the impressive advancements of medical technology, if your baby is born this week, she'd have a 9 out of 10 chance of survival, which is seriously great news. Other awesome developments:Baby's brain can now control her breathing and body temperature. She can also cough, and her sucking abilities have been perfected. Look out, boobs!Your Mini's skin is looking less wrinkled as she packs on the pounds. She's starting to look more like a Pampers model and less like a Depends model. She's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat she'll be born with (unfortunately, white fat is not energizing and insulating for adults!). And speaking of energy, your little Energizer Bunny is on fire these days. You're sure to feel your share of kicks, punches and elbows, especially when you're lying down. You might want to start keeping a kick chart to monitor your baby's movements, and also to later show your 13-year-old child what you endured for him or her. Ask your doctor how to count kicks and how often you should do it. This week your baby is a little over 15 inches long—about the length of a loaf of bread—and weighs about 3 pounds, as much as a Macbook Air laptop.

Friday, August 14, 2009

28 Weeks....

As the Big Day nears, your baby is getting ready to go towards the light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel being the birth canal, the light being the one the doctor is shining directly into it so she can see what the heck she's doing). Other highlights this week:Your baby's eyes are partially open now and can blink. Truly superior babies can actually wink. (OK, there is no way to prove that, but it's fun to imagine, no?) Your baby can also now become a shiny, happy person as she has begun having rapid eye movement (Get it? REM? Shiny, happy person?? We'll be here all week.)Her eyes have color now, too. It may not be the color she ultimately ends up with, especially if they're light gray or blue. The eyes typically don't settle on a final hue until nine months after baby is born. So when your mother-in-law says that the baby has her eyes, you can politely inform her that they'll most likely change soon. Sorry.Your babe is downright chubby compared to a few weeks ago. She is about 15 inches long, about the length of an amusement park cinnamon-sugar-coated churro (yum!), and weighs 2 to 3 pounds.